熊本大学大学院 生命科学研究部
病態生化学講座(山縣 研究室 )
Department of Medical Biochemistry
Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University

国立研究開発法人 日本医療研究開発機構(AMED)
業績 (Publications)

Yamagata K, Tsuyama T, Sato Y.
Roles of β-cell hypoxia in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25: 4186, 2024
Yamagata K, Mizumoto T, Yoshizawa T.
The emerging role of SIRT7 in glucose and lipid metabolism.
Cells 2023 Dec 13: 48. doi: 10.3390/cells13010048.
Guo X, Tan S, Wang T, Sun R, Li S, Tian P, Li M, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Yan Y, Dong Z, Yan L, Yue X, Wu Z, Li C, Yamagata K, Gao L, Ma C, Li T, Liang X.
NAD+ salvage governs mitochondrial metabolism invigorating NK cell anti-immunity.
Hepatology 2023 Aug 78: 468-485. doi: 10.1002/hep.32658. Epub 2022 Jul 30.
Tsuyama T, Sato Y, Yoshizawa T, Matsuoka T, Yamagata K.
Hypoxia causes pancreatic β-cell dysfunction and impairs insulin secretion by activating the transcriptional repressor BHLHE40.
EMBO Rep. 2023 Jun 21:e56227. doi: 10.15252/embr.202256227.
Yamazaki M, Hino S, Usuki S, Miyazaki Y, Oda T, Nakao M, Ito T, Yamagata K.
YAP/BRD4-controlled ROR1 promotes tumor-initiating cells and hyperproliferation in pancreatic cancer.
EMBO J. 2023 Apr 25:e112614. doi: 10.15252/embj.2022112614.
Yoshizawa T, Sato Y, Sobuz SU, Mizumoto T, Tsuyama T, Karim MF, Miyata K, Tasaki M, Yamazaki M, Kariba Y, Araki N, Araki E, Kajimura S, Oike Y, Braun T, Bober E, Auwerx J, Yamagata K.
SIRT7 suppresses energy expenditure and thermogenesis by regulating brown adipose tissue functions in mice.
Nat Commun. 2022 Dec 12;13(1):7439. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-35219-z.
Mizumoto T, Yoshizawa T, Sato Y, Ito T, Tsuyama T, Satoh A, Araki S, Tsujita K, Tamura M, Oike Y, Yamagata K.
SIRT7 Deficiency Protects against Aging-Associated Glucose Intolerance and Extends Lifespan in Male Mice.
Cells. 2022 Nov 15;11(22):3609. doi: 10.3390/cells11223609.
Sakaguchi M, Okagawa S, Okubo Y, Otsuka Y, Fukuda K, Igata M, Kondo T, Sato Y, Yoshizawa T, Fukuda T, Yamagata K, Cai W, Tseng YH, Sakaguchi N, Kahn CR, Araki E.
Phosphatase protector alpha4 (α4) is involved in adipocyte maintenance and mitochondrial homeostasis through regulation of insulin signaling.
Nat Commun. 2022 13(1):6092. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-33842-4.
Mizutani H, Sato Y, Yamazaki M, Yoshizawa T, Ando Y, Ueda M, Yamagata K.
SIRT7 Deficiency Protects against Aβ42-Induced Apoptosis through the Regulation of NOX4-Derived Reactive Oxygen Species Production in SH-SY5Y Cells.
Int J Mol Sci. 2022 23:9027. doi: 10.3390/ijms23169027.
Daikuzono H, Yamazaki M, Sato Y, Takahashi T, Yamagata K.
Development of a DELFIA method to detect oncofetal antigen ROR1-positive exosomes.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2021 578:170-176.
Akter F, Tsuyama T, Yoshizawa T, Sobuz SU, Yamagata K.
SIRT7 regulates lipogenesis in adipocytes through deacetylation of PPARγ2.
J Diabetes Investig. 2021 12:1765-1774
Kimura Y, Izumiya Y, Araki S, Yamamura S, Hanatani S, Onoue Y, Ishida T, Arima Y, Nakamura T, Yamamoto E, Senokuchi T, Yoshizawa T, Sata M, Kim-Mitsuyama S, Nakagata N, Bober E, Braun T, Kaikita K, Yamagata K, Tsujita K.
Sirt7 Deficiency Attenuates Neointimal Formation Following Vascular Injury by Modulating Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation.
Circ J. 2021 85: 2232-2240
Arima Y, Nakagawa Y, Takeo T, Ishida T, Yamada T, Hino S, Nakao M, Hanada S, Umemoto T, Suda T, Sakuma T, Yamamoto T, Watanabe T, Nagaoka K, Tanaka Y, Kawamura YK, Tonami K, Kurihara H, Sato Y, Yamagata K, Nakamura T, Araki S, Yamamoto E, Izumiya Y, Sakamoto K, Kaikita K, Matsushita K, Nishiyama K, Nakagata N, Tsujita K.
Murine neonatal ketogenesis preserves mitochondrial energetics by preventing protein hyperacetylation.
Nat Metab. 2021 3:196-210
Morita Y, Senokuchi T, Yamada S, Wada T, Furusho T, Matsumura T, Ishii N, Nishida S, Nishida S, Motoshima H, Komohara Y, Yamagata K, Araki E.
Impact of tissue macrophage proliferation on peripheral and systemic insulin resistance in obese mice with diabetes.
BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2020 Oct;8(1):e001578.
Sato Y, Rahman MM, Haneda M, Tsuyama T, Mizumoto T, Yoshizawa T, Kitamura T, Gonzalez FJ, Yamamura KI, Yamagata K.
HNF1α controls glucagon secretion in pancreatic α-cells through modulation of SGLT1.
Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2020 Jul 22;1866(11):165898. In press
Kariba Y, Yoshizawa T, Sato Y, Tsuyama T, Araki E, Yamagata K.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020 In press.
Yamamura S, Izumiya Y, Araki S, Nakamura T, Kimura Y, Hanatani S, Yamada T, Ishida T, Yamamoto M, Onoue Y, Arima Y, Yamamoto E, Sunagawa Y, Yoshizawa T, Nakagata N, Bober E, Braun T, Sakamoto K, Kaikita K, Morimoto T, Yamagata K, Tsujita K.
Hypertension 75(1):98-108, 2020
Sobuz SU, Sato Y, Yoshizawa T, Karim F, Ono K,Sawa T,Miyamoto Y,Oka M,Yamagata K
SIRT7 regulates the nuclear export of NF-κB p65 by deacetylating Ran.
Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res. 1866(9):1355-1367, 2019
Fukuda M,Yoshizawa T,Karim MF,Sobuz SU,Korogi W,Kobayasi D,Okanishi H,Tasaki M,Ono K,Sawa T,Sato Y,Chirifu M,Masuda T,Nakamura T,Tanoue H, Nakashima K,Kobashigawa Y,Morioka H,Bober E,Ohtsuki S,Yamagata Y,Ando Y,Oike Y,Araki N,Takeda S,Mizuta H,Yamagata K
SIRT7 has a critical role in bone formation by regulating lysine acylation of SP7/Osterix.
Nat Commun. 9(1):2833, 2018
Miyasato Y, Yoshizawa T, Sato Y, Nakagawa T, Miyasato Y, Kakizoe Y, Kuwabara T, Adachi M, Ianni A, Braun T, Komohara Y, Mukoyama M, Yamagata K
Sirtuin 7 Deficiency Ameliorates Cisplatin-induced Acute Kidney Injury Through Regulation of the Inflammatory Response.
Scientific Reports 8:5927, 2018
Yamada S, Senokuchi T, Matsumura T, Morita Y, Ishi N, Fukuda K, Murakami S, Nishida S, Kawasaki S, Motoshima H, Furukawa N, Komohara Y, Fujiwara Y, Yamagata K, Takeya M, Araki E
Inhibition of local macrophage growth ameliorates focal inflammation and suppresses atherosclerosis and insulin resistance.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.38:994-1006, 2018
Korogi W, Yoshizawa T, Karim MF, Tanoue H, Yugami M, Sobuz SU, Hinoi E, Sato Y, Oike Y, Mizuta H, Yamagata K
SIRT7 is an important regulator of cartilage homeostasis and osteoarthritis development.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 496:891-97, 2018
Zhao J, Tian Z, Kadomatsu T, Xie P, Miyata K, Sugizaki T, Endo M, Zhu S, Fan H, Horiguchi H, Morinaga J, Terada K, Yoshizawa T, Yamagata K, Oike Y
Age-dependent increase in angiopoietin-like protein 2 accelerates skeletal muscle loss in mice.
J Biol Chem. 293:1596-1609,2018
Islam MS, Wei FY, Ohta K, Shigematsu N, Fukuda T, Tomizawa K, Yoshizawa T, Yamagata K
Sirtuin 7 is involved in the consolidation of fear memory in mice.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 495:261-66, 2018
Tanoue H, Morinaga J, Yoshizawa T, Yugami M, Itoh H, Nakamura T, Uehara Y, Masuda T, Odagiri H, Sugizaki T, Kadomatsu T, Miyata K, Endo M, Terada K, Ochi H, Takeda S, Yamagata K, Fukuda T, Mizuta H, Oike Y
Angiopoietin-like protein 2 promotes chondrogenic differentiation during bone growth as a cartilage matrix factor.
Osteoarthr Cartilage 26: 108-117, 2018
Yamagata K, Yoshizawa T
Transcriptional regulation of metabolism by SIRT1 and SIRT7.
Int Rev Cell Mol Biol.335:143-166, 2018
Karim MF, Yoshizawa T, Sobuz SU, Sato Y, Yamagata K
Sirtuin 7-dependent deacetylation of DDB1 regulates the expression of nuclear receptor TR4.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 490:423-28, 2017
Sato Y, Tsuyama T, Sato C, Karim MF, Yoshizawa T, Inoue M, Yamagata K
Hypoxia reduces HNF4α/MODY1 protein expression in pancreatic β-cells by activating AMP-activated protein kinase.
J Biol Chem. 292:8716-28, 2017
Nomiyama H, Osada N, Takahashi I, Terao K, Yamagata K, Yoshie O
Translational repression of a splice variant of cynomolgus macaque CKCL1L by its C-terminal sequence.
J Interferon Cytokine Res.37:129-138, 2017
Jono H, Su Y, Obayashi K, Tanaka Y, Ishiguro A, Nishimura H, Shinriki S, Ueda M, Ikeda K, Yamagata K, Ichihara K, Ando Y
Sources of variation of transthyretin in healthy subjects in East and Southeast Asia: Clinical and experimental evidence for the effect of alcohol on transthyretin metabolism.
Clin Chim Acta. 458:5-11, 2016
Araki S, Izumiya Y, Rokutanda T, Ianni A, Hanatani S, Kimura Y, Onoue Y, Senokuchi T, Yoshizawa T, Yasuda O, Koitabashi N, Kurabayashi M, Braun T, Bober E, Yamagata K, Ogawa H
Sirt7 contributes to myocardial tissue repair by maintaining TGF-b signaling pathway.
Circulation 132:1081-1093, 2015
Yamagata K, Karim MF, Sato Y, Yoshizawa T
Role of SIRT7 in hepatic lipid metabolism.
Diabetol Int. 6:193-196, 2015
Yoshikawa Y, Yoshizawa T, Domae E, Hieda Y, Takeyama A, Hirota S, Kawamoto A, Goda S, Tamura I, Kamada A, Komasa Y, Morita S, Yamagata K, Ikeo T
RNA interference-mediated knockdown of Smad1 inhibits receptor activator of nuclear factor kB ligand expression induced by BMP-2 in primary osteoblasts.
Arch Oral Biol 60:1319-1326, 2015
Kurokawa H, Ito H, Inoue M, Tabata K, Sato Y, Yamagata K, Kizaka-Kondoh S, Kadonosono T, Yano S, Inoue M, Kamachi T
High resolution imaging of intracellular oxygen concentration by phosphorescence lifetime.
Scientific Reports 5:10657, 2015
Hayashi H, Sato Y, Li Z, Yamamura KI, Yoshizawa T, Yamagata K
Roles of hepatic glucokinase in intertissue metabolic communication: examination of novel liver-specific glucokinase knockout mice.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 460:727-32, 2015
Sato Y, Inoue M, Yoshizawa T, Yamagata K.
Moderate hypoxia induces b-cell dysfunction with HIF-1–independent gene expression changes.
PLOS ONE 9:e114868,2014
Ohki T, Utsu Y, Morita S, Karim MF, Sato Y,Yoshizawa T, Yamamura K , Yamada K, Kasayama S, Yamagata K.
Low serum level of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in a Japanese patient with maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 3 (MODY3)
J Diabetes Invest. 5:513-516,2014
Yoshizawa T, Karim MF, Sato Y, Senokuchi T, Miyata K, Fukuda T, Go C, Tasaki M, Uchimura K, Kadomatsu T, Tian Z, Smolka C, Sawa T, Takeya M, Tomizawa K, Ando Y, Araki E,Takaaki Akaike T, Braun T, Oike Y,Bober E,Yamagata K
SIRT7 Controls Hepatic Lipid Metabolism by Regulating the Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway.
Cell Metabolism 19:712-721,2014
Yamagata K
Roles of HNF1α and HNF4α in pancreatic β-cells: lessons from a monogenic form of diabetes (MODY).
Vitam Horm. 95:407-423,2014
Yamamoto Y, Yoshizawa T, Fukuda T, Shirode-Fukuda Y, Yu T, Sekine K, Sato T, Kawano H, Aihara K, Nakamichi Y, Watanabe T, Shindo M, Inoue K, Inoue E, Tsuji N, Hoshino M, Karsenty G, Metzger D, Chambon P, Kato S, Imai Y
Vitamin D receptor in osteoblasts is a negative regulator of bone mass control.
Endocrinology 154:1008-1020, 2013
Kozawa J, Okita K, Iwahashi H, Yamagata K, Imagawa A, Shimomura I
Early postprandial glucagon surge affects postprandial glucose levels in obese and non-obese patients with type 2 diabetes.
Endocr J.60(6):813-818,2013
Karim MF, Yoshizawa T, Sato Y, Sawa T, Tomizawa K, Akaike T, Yamagata K
Inhibition of H3K18 deacetylation of Sirt7 by Myb-binding protein 1a(Mybbp1a)
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 441:157-163,2013
内分泌・糖尿病・代謝内科 36:467-470, 2013
Sato Y, Hatta M, Karim MF, Sawa T, Wei FY, Sato S, Magnuson MA, Gonzalez FJ, Tomizawa K, Akaike T, Yoshizawa T, Yamagata K
Anks4b, a novel target of HNF4α interacts with GRP78 and regulates endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptosis in pancreatic β-cells.
J.Biol Chem. 287:23236-45,2012
Ohki T, Sato Y, Yoshizawa T, Yamamura KI, Yamada K, Yamagata K
Identification of hepatocyte growth factor activator (Hgfac) gene as a target of HNF1α in mouse β-cells.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 425(3):619-24,2012
Su Y, Misumi Y, Ueda M, Shono M, Tasaki M, Jono H, Obayashi K, Senokuchi T, Yamagata K, Ando Y
The occurrence of islet amyloid polypeptide amyloidosis in Japanese subjects.
Pancreas. 41: 971-973,2012
Su Y, Jono H, Misumi Y, Senokuchi T, Guo J, Ueda M, Shinriki S, Tasaki M, Shono M, Obayashi K, Yamagata K, Araki E, Ando Y
Novel function of transthyretin in pancreatic a cells.
FEBS Letters. 586: 4215-4222,2012
内分泌・糖尿病・代謝内科35: 264-269, 2012
実験医学増刊 活性酸素・ガス状分子による恒常性制御と疾患 監修:山本雅之、 羊土社:146-152,2012
小児・思春期糖尿病の対応マニュアル 編集:池上博司、中山書店:81-87,2012
別冊・医学のあゆみ エネルギー代謝転写因子ネットワークと生活習慣病 編集:島野仁
Iwahashi H, Akita E, Tokunaga A, Okita K, Horikawa Y, Imagawa A, Funahashi T, Shimomura I, Yamagata K
Clinical features of Japanese type 2 diabetics with insulinogenic index in normal range after treatment of glucotoxicity.
Diabetol Int. 2. 208-213,2011
Wei F-Y, Suzuki T, Watanabe S, Kimura S, Kaitsuka T, Fujimura A, Matsui H, Atta M, Michiue H, Fontecave M, Yamagata K, Suzuki T, Tomizawa K
Deficit of Lys-tRNA Modification by Cdkal1 Causes the Development of Type 2 Diabetes in Mice.
J. Clin. Invest. 121: 3598-3608, 2011
Yano M, Watanabe K, Yamamoto T, Ikeda K, Senokuchi T, Lu M, Kadomatsu T, Tsukano H, Ikawa M, Okabe M, Yamaoka S, Okazaki T, Umehara H, Gotoh T, Song WJ, Node K, Taguchi R, Yamagata K, Oike Y
Mitochondrial dysfunction and increased reactive oxygen species impair insulin secretion in sphingomyelin synthase 1 null mice.
J Biol Chem. 286: 3992-4002, 2011
Sato Y, Endo H, Okuyama H, Takeda T, Iwahashi H, Imagawa A, Yamagata K, Shimomura I, Inoue M
Cellular hypoxia of pancreatic β-cells due to high levels of oxygen consumption for insulin secretion in vitro.
J Biol.Chem. 286: 12524-12532, 2011
Yamagata K, Senokuchi T, Lu M, Takemoto M, Karim MF, Go C, Sato Y, Hatta M, Yoshizawa T, Araki E, Miyazaki J, Song W-J
Voltage-gated K+ channel KCNQ1 regulates insulin secretion in MIN6 β-cell line.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 407: 620-625, 2011
医学のあゆみ237 (6):672-676,2011
Kozawa J, Okita K, Imagawa A, Iwahashi H, Holst JJ, Yamagata K, Shimomura I
Similar incretin secretion in obese and non-obese Japanese subjects with type 2 diabetes.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 393: 410-413, 2010
Higuchi Y, Shiraki N, Yamane K, Qin Z, Mochitate K, Araki K, Senokuchi T, Yamagata K, Hara M, Kume K, Kume S
Synthesized basement membranes direct the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells into pancreatic lineages.
J Cell Sci. 123: 2733-2742, 2010
糖尿病 診断基準2010-臨床での応用と実際- 糖尿病レクチャー1:447-452, 2010
Adiposcience「核内受容体とアディポサイエンス」7: 162-167, 2010
ホルモンと臨床「核内受容体と内分泌疾患UPDATE」58: 137-141, 2010
糖尿病ナビゲーター第2版 pp36-37、門脇 考編、メディカルレビュー社2010
医学のあゆみ 232: 1173-1177, 2010
Miyake K, Yang W, Hara K, Yasuda K, Horikawa Y, Osawa H, Furuta H, Ng M CY, Hirota Y, Mori H, Ido K, Yamagata K, Hinokio Y, Oka Y, Iwasaki N, Iwamoto Y, Yamda Y, Seino Y, Maegawa H, Kashiwagi A, Wang Hy, Tanahashi T, Nakamura N, Takeda J, Maeda E, Yamamoto K, Tokunaga K, Ma RCW, So W-Y, Chan JCN, Kamatani N, Makino H, Nanjo K, Kadowaki T, Kasuga M
Construction of a prediction model for type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Japanese population based on eleven genes with strong evidence of the association.
J Hum Genet. 54: 236-241, 2009
Okauchi Y, Nammo T, Iwahashi H, Kizu T, Hayashi I, Okita K, Yamagata K, Uno S, Katsube F, Matsuhisa M, Kato K, Aozasa K, Kim T, Osuga K, Nakamori S, Tamaki Y, Funahashi T, Miyagawa J, Shimomura I
Glucagonoma diagnosed by arterial stimulation and venous sampling (ASVS).
Intern Med. 48: 1025-1030, 2009
Saisho K, Fukuhara A, Yasuda T, Sato Y, Fukui K, Iwahashi H, Imagawa A, Hatta M, Shimomura I, Yamagata K
Glucose enhances collectrin protein expression in insulin-producing MIN6 β cells.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 389: 133-137, 2009
糖尿病学の進歩2009 第43集 pp73-76,日本糖尿病学会編 診断と治療社2009
今日の治療指針2009 医学書院 pp541-542,2009
Diabetes Frontier メディカルレビュー社 1(20):109-113,2009
Miyake K, Horikawa Y, Hara K, Yasuda K, Osawa H, Furuta H, Hirota Y, Yamagata K, Hinokio Y, Oka Y, Iwasaki N, Iwamoto Y, Yamada Y, Seino Y, Maegawa H, Kashiwagi A, Yamamoto K, Tokunaga K, Takeda J, Makino H, Nanjo K, Kadowaki T, Kasuga M
Association of TCF7L2 polymorphisms with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes in 4,087 Japanese subjects.
J Hum Genet. 53: 174-180, 2008
Nagai R, Fujiwara Y, Mera K, Yamagata K, Sakashita N, Takeya M
Immunochemical detection of Nε-carboxyethyl lysine using a specific antibody.
J Immunol Methods 332: 112-120, 2008
Tokunaga A, Miura A, Okauchi Y, Segawa K, Fukuhara A, Okita K, Takahashi M, Funahashi T, Miyagawa JI, Shimomura I, Yamagata K
The -1535 promoter variant of the visfatin gene is associated with serum triglyceride and HDL-cholesterol levels in Japanese subjects.
Endocr J. 55: 205-212, 2008
Horikawa Y, Miyake K, Yasuda K, Enya M, Hirota Y, Yamagata K, Hinokio Y, Oka Y, Iwasaki N, Iwamoto Y, Yamada Y, Seino Y, Maegawa H, Kashiwagi A, Yamamoto K, Tokunaga K, Takeda J, Kasuga M
Replication of genome-wide association studies of type 2 diabetes susceptibility in Japan.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 93: 889-893, 2008
Okauchi Y, Iwahashi H, Okita K, Yuan M, Matsuda M, Tanaka T, Miyagawa J, Funahashi T, Horikawa Y, Shimomura I, Yamagata K
PGC-1α Gly482Ser polymorphism is associated with the plasma adiponectin level in type 2 diabetic men.
Endocr J. 55: 991-997, 2008
Tamba S, Nishizawa H, Funahashi T, Okauchi Y, Ogawa T, Noguchi M, Fujita K, Ryo M, Kihara S, Iwahashi H, Yamagata K, Nakamura T, Shimomura I, Matsuzawa Y
Relationship between the serum uric acid level, visceral fat accumulation and serum adiponectin concentration in Japanese men.
Intern Med. 47:1175-1180, 2008
Tokunaga A, Horikawa Y, Fukuda-Akita E, Okita K, Iwahashi H, Shimomura I, Takeda J, Yamagata K
A common P2 promoter polymorphism of the hepatocyte nuclear factor-4a gene is associated with insulin secretion in non-obese Japanese with type 2 diabetes.
Endocr J. 55: 999-1004, 2008
Yasuda K, Miyake K, Horikawa Y, Hara K, Osawa H, Furuta H, Hirota Y, Mori H, Jonsson A, Sato Y, Yamagata K, Hinokio Y, Wang HY, Tanahashi T, Nakamura N, Oka Y, Iwasaki N, Iwamoto Y, Yamda Y, Seino Y, Maegawa H, Kashiwagi A, Takeda J, Maeda E, Shin HD, Cho YM, Park KS, Lee HK, Ng MC, Ma RC, So WY, Chan JC, Lyssenko Y, Tuomi T, Nilsson P, Groop L, Kamatani N, Sekine A, Nakamura Y, Yamamoto K, Yoshida T, Tokunaga K, Itakura M, Makino H, Nanjo K, Kadowaki T, Kasuga M
Variants in KCNQ1 are associated with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Nat Genet. 40: 1092-1097, 2008
Enya M, Horikawa Y, Kuroda E, Yonemura K, Tonooka N, Tomura H, Oda N, Yokoi N, Yamagata K, Shihara N, Iizuka K, Saibara T, Seino S, Takeda J
Mutations in the small heterodimer partner gene increase morbidity risk in Japanese type 2 diabetes patients.
Hum Mutat. 29: E271-277, 2008
Yasuhara A, Wada J, Malakauskas SM, Zhang Y, Eguchi J, Nakatsuka A, Murakami K, Kanzaki M, Teshigawara S, Yamagata K, Le TH, Makino H
Collectrin is involved in the development of salt-sensitive hypertension by facilitating the membrane trafficking of apical membrane proteins via interaction with soluble N-ethylmaleiamide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor complex.
Circulation 118: 2146-2155, 2008
Fukuda-Akita E, Okita K, Okauchi Y, Ryo M, Nakamura T, Funahashi T, Iwahashi H, Shimomura I, Miyagawa J, Yamagata K
Impaired early insulin secretion in Japanese type 2 diabetes with metabolic syndrome.
Diabetes Res Clin Pract 79: 482-489, 2008
Nammo T, Yamagata K, Tanaka T, Kodama T, Sladek FM, Fukui K, Katsube F, Sato Y, Miyagawa J, Shimomura I
Expression of HNF-4α (MODY1), HNF-1α (MODY5), and HNF-1α (MODY3) proteins in the developing mouse pancreas.
Gene Expr Patterns. 8: 96-106, 2008
転写制御とエピジェネティクス -ゲノムデコードに向けて- P189-195 南山堂 2008
糖尿病学の進歩2008 第42集 p10-13, 日本糖尿病学会編 診断と治療社 2008
-新時代の糖尿病学- 日本臨床66巻増刊号9,673-677,2008
分子心血管病 先端医学社 33(255)-37(259),2008
MODY遺伝子に関する最近の知見 -治療法の選択も含めて-
DIABETES JOURNAL 糖尿病と代謝 36(2):1-6,2008
ゲノム医学 メディカルレビュー社 8(1):49-53,2008
単一遺伝子異常による糖尿病 MODY遺伝子 進時代の糖尿病学(1) -病因・診断・治療研究の進歩-
日本臨床 66巻増刊号3,p514-520,2008
2型糖尿病における膵β細胞研究の進歩 編集:寺内康夫 p59-66, 診断と治療社2008
Uno S, Imagawa A, Okita K, Sayama K, Moriwaki M, Iwahashi H, Yamagata K, Tamura S, Matsuzawa Y, Hanafusa T, Miyagawa J, Shimomura I
Macrophages and dendritic cells infiltrating islets with or without beta cells produce tumour necrosis factor-alpha in patients with recent-onset type 1 diabetes.
Diabetologia. 50: 596-601, 2007
Zhang Y, Wada J, Yasuhara A, Iseda I, Eguchi J, Fukui K, Yang Q, Yamagata K, Hiesberger T, Igarashi P, Zhang H, Wang H, Akagi S, Kanwar YS, Makino H
The Role for HNF-1β-targeted collectrin in maintenance of primary cilia and cell polarity in collecting duct cells.
PLoS ONE. 2: e414, 2007.
Okauchi Y, Nishizawa H, Funahashi T, Ogawa T, Noguchi M, Ryo M, Kihara S, Iwahashi H, Yamagata K, Nakamura T, Shimomura I, Matsuzawa Y
Reduction of visceral fat is associated with decrease in the number of metabolic risk factors in Japanese men.
Diabetes Care. 30: 2392-2394, 2007
Zhang J, Tokui Y, Yamagata K, Kozawa J, Sayama K, Iwahashi H, Okita K, Miuchi M, Konya H, Hamaguchi T, Namba M, Shimomura I, Miyagawa JI
Continuous stimulation of human glucagon-like peptide-1 (7-36) amide in a mouse model (NOD) delays onset of autoimmune type 1 diabetes.
Diabetologia 50: 1900-1909, 2007
Yamagata K, Nammo T, Sato Y, Saisho K, Shoda H, Fukui K
The HNF-1α-SNARE connection. Diabetes Obes Metab.
Suppl 2: 40-45, 2007
内分泌・糖尿病科 25(3): 229-232, 2007
糖尿病関連注射薬の新展開(インスリン・GLP-1・グルカゴン) pp79-82 編集:難波光義
糖尿病学 基礎と臨床 pp364-367 編集:門脇孝、石橋俊、佐倉宏、戸辺一之、野田光彦 西村書店2007
糖尿病学 基礎と臨床 pp31-33 編集:門脇孝、石橋俊、佐倉宏、戸辺一之、野田光彦 西村書店2007
インスリン分泌のapparatus メタボリックシンドローム時代の糖尿病研究の最前線
医学のあゆみ 220(13): 1134-1137, 2007
ゲノム医学 7(2): 69-74, 2007
ジョスリン糖尿病デスクブック(翻訳) 監訳:松澤佑次 医学書院2007
現場の疑問に答える糖尿病診療Q&A pp380-381 編集:寺内康夫 中外医学社2007
新規HNF-1 標的遺伝子コレクトリンによるβ細胞機能制御
糖尿病学2007 pp69-74 編集:岡芳知、谷澤幸生 診断と治療社2007
分子糖尿病学の進歩2007 pp2-7 編集:春日雅人、清野進、渥美義仁、門脇孝 金原出版2007
糖尿病学の進歩2007 pp7-10 編集:日本糖尿病学会 診断と治療社2007
内分泌・糖尿病科 24(1): 76-79, 2007
Miura A, Yamagata K, Kakei M, Hatakeyama H, Takahashi N, Fukui K, Nammo T, Yoneda K, Inoue Y, Sladek FM, Magnuson MA, Kasai H, Miyagawa J, Gonzalez FJ, Shimomura I
Hepatocyte nuclear factor-4α is essential for glucose-stimulated insulin secretion by pancreatic β-cells.
J Biol Chem. 281: 5246-5257, 2006
Tokui Y, Kozawa J, Yamagata K, Zhang J, Ohmoto H, Tochino Y, Okita K, Iwahashi H, Namba M, Shimomura I, Miyagawa J
Neogenesis and proliferation of beta-cells induced by human betacellulin gene transduction via retrograde pancreatic duct injection of an adenovirus vector.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 350: 987-993, 2006
検査と技術 34 (13): 1537-1538, 2006
Diabetes Journal 34 (4): 163-164, 2006
糖尿病学の進歩2006 pp143-148 編集:日本糖尿病学会 診断と治療社2006
Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY)
最新糖尿病学ー基礎と臨床ー pp187-194 編集:垂井清一郎、門脇 孝、花房俊昭 朝倉書店2006
内分泌・糖尿病科23(1): 101-107, 2006
Pharma medica 24 (4): 47-52, 2006
Ozawa K, Miyazaki M, Matsuhisa M, Takano K, Nakatani Y, Hatazaki M, Tamatani T, Yamagata K, Miyagawa J, Kitao Y, Hori O, Yamasaki Y, Ogawa S
The endoplasmic reticulum chaperone improves insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes 54: 657-663, 2005
Ihara A, Yamagata K, Nammo T, Miura A, Ming Y, Tanaka T, Sladek FM, Matsuzawa Y, Miyagawa J, Shimomura I
Functional characterization of the HNF4 isoform (HNF4 8) expressed in pancreatic β-cells.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 329: 984-990, 2005
Kozawa J, Tokui Y, Moriwaki M, Li M, Ohmoto H, Yuan M, Zhang J, Iwahashi H, Imagawa A, Yamagata K, Tochino Y, Shimomura I, Higashiyama S, Miyagawa J
Regenerative and therapeutic effects of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor on diabetes by gene transduction via retrograde pancreatic duct injection of adnovirus vector.
Pancreas 31: 32-42, 2005
Sayama K, Imagawa A, Okita K, Uno S, Moriwaki M, Kozawa J, Iwahashi H, Yamagata K, Tamura S, Matsuzawa Y, Hanafusa T, Miyagawa J, Shimomura I
Pancreatic beta and alpha cells are both decreased in patients with fulminant type 1 diabetes: a morphometrical assessment.
Diabetologia 48: 1560-1564, 2005
Fukui K, Yang Q, Cao Y, Takahashi N, Hatakeyama H, Wang H, Wada J, Zhang Y, Marselli L, Nammo T, Yoneda K, Onishi M, Higashiyama S, Matsuzawa Y, Gonzalez FJ, Weir GC, Kasai H, Shimomura I, Miyagawa J, Wollheim CB, Yamagata K
The HNF-1 target Collectrin controls insulin exocytosis by SNARE complex formation.
Cell Metab. 2: 373-384, 2005
糖尿病 第48巻第10号、733-738 糖尿病学用語集 第2版 (用語解説者: 山縣和也)日本糖尿病学会編、文光堂2005
Diabetes Frontier 16 (5): 561-566, 2005
MODY (HNFファミリー)
糖尿病と遺伝子(糖尿病カレントライブラリー)pp22-27 編集:堀川幸男、安田和基 文光堂2005
耐糖能障害 -基礎・臨床研究の最新情報- 日本臨床63巻増刊号2:171-175, 2005
Shimamoto Y, Ishida J, Yamagata K, Saito T, Kato H, Matsuoka T, Hirota K, Daitoku H, Nangaku M, Yamagata K, Fujii H, Takeda J, Fukamizu A
Inhibitory effect of small heterodimer partner on hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 mediates bile acid-induced repression of human angiotensinogen gene.
J. Biol. Chem. 279: 7770-7776, 2004
Tomimoto S, Hashimoto H, Shintani N, Yamamoto K, Kawabata Y, Hamagami K, Yamagata K, Miyagawa J, Baba A
Overexpression of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide in islets inhibits hyperinsulinemia and islet hyperplasia in agouti yellow mice.
J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 309: 796-803, 2004
Diabetes Journal 32(3):90-94,2004
山縣和也:転写因子異常による糖尿病:HNF diabetes
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糖尿病47 (7): 504-507, 2004
HNF-1 異常型糖尿病 (MODY3)
糖尿病100例に学ぶ 編集:河盛隆造、山崎義光 永井書店2004
医学のあゆみ 糖尿病・代謝症候群-state of arts 2004-2006 編集:門脇 孝 医歯薬出版2004
糖尿病ライブラリー「インスリン分泌」pp133-137 編集:岡 芳知 文光堂2004
Zhu Q, Yamagata K, Miura A, Shihara N, Horikawa Y, Takeda J, Miyagawa J, Matsuzawa Y
T130I mutation in HNF-4 gene is a loss-of-function mutation in hepatocytes and is associated with late-onset Type 2 diabetes mellitus in Japanese subjects.
Diabetologia 46: 567-573, 2003
Yamamoto K, Hashimoto H, Tomimoto S, Shintani N, Miyazaki J, Tashiro F, Aihara H, Nammo T, Li M, Yamagata K, Miyagawa J, Matsuzawa Y, Kawabata Y, Fukuyama Y, Koga K, Mori W, Tanaka K, Matsuda T, Baba A
Overexpression of PACAP in transgenic mouse pancreatic cells enhances insulin secretion and ameliorates streptozotocin-induced diabetes.
Diabetes 52: 1155-1162, 2003
Yamagata K: Regulation of pancreatic -cell function by the HNF transcription network
Lessons from maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY).
Endocr J. 50: 491-499, 2003
Iwahashi H, Funahashi T, Kurokawa N, Sayama K, Fukuda E, Okita K, Imagawa A, Yamagata K, Shimomura I, Miyagawa J, Mtsuzawa Y
Plasma adiponectin levels in women with anorexia nervosa. Horm.
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Kishida K, Moriwaki M, Miyagawa J, Okita K, Kondo T, Itoh K, Umemura S, Kozawa J, Iwahashi H, Yoshizumi T, Imagawa A, Yamagata K, Maruyama T, Toyoshima T, Kurokawa K, Funahashi T, Matsuzawa Y
Successful use of 111In-pentetrotide scintigraphy for localizing ectopic adrenocorticotropin-producing bronchial carcinoid tumor in a patient with Cushing' syndrome.
Internal Med 42: 9966-1005, 2003
Li M, Miyagawa J, Moriwaki M, Yuan M, Yang Q, Kozawa J, Yamamoto K, Imagawa A, Iwahashi H, Tochino Y, Yamagata K, Matsuzawa Y
Analysis of expression profiles of islet-associated transcription and growth factors during β-cell neogenesis from duct cells in partially duct-ligated mice.
Pancreas 27: 345-355, 2003
Diabetes Journal 31:92-96, 2003
内科キーワード2003 (6月増大号) 内科91 (6): 1413-1414, 2003
Molecular Medicine 40 (1): 96-101, 2003
Yoshiuchi I, Yamagata K, Zhu Q, Tamada I, Takahashi Y, Onigata K, Takeda J, Miyagawa J, Matsuzawa J
Identification of a gain-of-function mutation in the HNF-1β gene in a Japanese family with MODY.
Diabetologia 45: 153-154, 2002
Yamagata K, Nammo T, Moriwaki M, Ihara A, Iizuka K, Yang Q, Satoh T, Li M, Uenaka R, Okita K, Iwahashi H, Zhu Q, Cao Y, Imagawa A, Tochino Y, Hanafusa T, Miyagawa J, Matsuzawa Y
Overexpression of dominant-negative mutant HNF-1α in pancreatic β-cells causes abnormal islet architecture with decreased expression of E-cadherin, reduced β-cell proliferation and diabetes.
Diabetes 51: 114-123, 2002
Nishizawa H, Yamagata K, Shimomura I, Takahashi M, Kuriyama H, Kishida K, Hotta K, Nagaretani H, Maeda N, Matsuda M, Kihara S, Nakamura T, Nishigori H, Tomura H, Moore DD, Takeda J, Funahashi T, Matsuzawa Y
Small heterodimer partner, an orphan nuclear receptor, augments PPAR transactivation.
J. Biol. Chem. 277: 1586-1592, 2002
Iwahashi H, Yamagata K, Yoshiuchi I, Terasaki J, Yang Q, Fukui K, Ihara A, Zhu Q, Asakura T, Cao Y, Imagawa A, Namba M, Hanafusa T, Miyagawa J, Matsuzawa Y
Thyroid hormone receptor interacting protein (Trip3) is a novel coactivator of hepatocyte nuclear factor-4α (HNF-4α).
Diabetes 51: 910-914, 2002
Yang Q, Yamagata K, Fukui K, Cao Yang, Nammo T, Iwahashi H, Wang H, Matsumura I, Hanafusa T, Bucala R, Wollheim CB, Miyagawa J, Matsuzawa Y
Hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α modulates pancreatic β-cell growth by regulating the expression of insulin-like growth factor-1 in INS-1 cells.
Diabetes 51: 1785-1792, 2002
Triggs-Raine BL, Kirkpatrick RD, Kelly SL, Norquay LD, Cattini PA, Yamagata K, Hanley AJ, Zinman B, Harris SB, Barrett PH, Hegele RA
HNF-1α G319S, a transactivation-deficient mutant, is associated with altered dynamics of diabetes onset in an Oji-Cree community.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 99: 4614-4619, 2002
Nammo T, Yamagata K, Hamaoka R, Zhu Q, Akiyama TE, Gonzalez FJ, Miyagawa J, Matsuzawa Y
Expression profile of MODY3/HNF-1α protein in the developing mouse pancreas.
Diabetologia 45: 1142-1153, 2002
Imagawa A, Funahashi T, Nakamura T, Moriwaki M, Tanaka S, Nishizawa H, Sayama K, Uno S, Iwahashi H, Yamagata K, Miyagawa J, Matsuzawa Y
Elevated serum concentration of adipose-derived factor, adiponectin, in patients with type 1 diabetes.
Diabetes Care 25: 1665-1666, 2002
Ming LI, Miyagawa J, Yamamoto K, Moriwaki M, Imagawa A, Iwahashi H, Yamagata K, Tochino Y, Hanafusa T, Matsuzawa Y
β cell neogenesis from ducts and phenotypic conversion of residual islet cells in the adult pancreas of glucose intolerant mice induced selective alloxan perfusion.
Endocrine J. 49: 561-572, 2002
Hara K, Noda M, Waki H, Tobe K, Yamauchi T, Kadowaki H, Satou H, Tsukamoto K, Nagamatsu S, Yamagata K, Matsuzawa Y, Akanuma Y, Kimura S, Kadowaki T
Maturity-onset diabetes of the young resulting from a novel mutation in the HNF-4α gene.
Internal Med 41: 848-852, 2002
ホルモンと臨床 Vol.51 春季増刊号「ステロイドホルモン研究の進歩2002」, 48-51, 2002
糖尿病 45 (10): 759-765, 2002
李銘、山本浩司、森脇 信、袁 明、南茂隆生、今川彰久、岩橋博見、山縣和也、栩野義博、宮川潤一郎、松澤佑次
導管部分結紮マウスにおける導管細胞から 細胞への新生
Diabetes Frontier 13(5):678, 2002
内分泌・糖尿病科 15 (6): 590-593, 2002
内科 91(1): 59-62, 2003
膵 細胞転写因子 知っておきたい200words-現代医学理解のために
医学のあゆみ 200(13) 1182-1183, 2002 医師薬出版株式会社
糖尿病ナビゲーター pp24-25 編集:門脇孝 メヂィカルレビュー社2002
Nishigori H, Tomura H, Tonooka N, Kanamori M, Yamada S, Sho K, Inoue I, Kikuchi N, Onigata K, Kojima I, Kohama T, Yamagata K, Yang Q, Matsuzawa Y, Miki T, Seino S, Kim Mi-Y, Choi H-S, Lee Y-W, Moore DD, Takeda J
Mutations in the small heterodimer partner gene are associated with mild obesity in Japanese.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98: 575-580, 2001
Zhu Q, Yamagata K, Tsukahara Y, Yang Q, Liu W, Hanafusa T, Miyagawa J, Matsuzawa Y
Mutation screening of the hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-6 gene in Japanese subjects with diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes Res Clin Pract 52: 171-174, 2001
Imagawa A, Hanafusa T, Tamura S, Moriwaki M, Itoh N, Yamamoto K, Iwahashi H, Yamagata K, Waguri M, Nammo T, Uno S, Nakajima H, Namba M, Kawata S, Miyagawa J, Matsuzawa Y
Pancreatic biopsy as a procedure for detecting in situ autoimmune phenomena in type 1 diabetes mellitus-Close correlation between serological markers and histological evidence of cellular autoimmunity-.
Diabetes 50: 1269-1273, 2001
Mori H, Ikegami H, Kawaguchi Y, Seino S, Yokoi N, Takeda J, Inoue I, Seino Y, Yasuda K, Hanafusa T, Yamagata K, Awata T, Kadowaki T, Hara K, Yamada N, Gotoda T, Iwasaki N, Iwamoto Y, Sanke T, Nanjo K, Oka Y, Matsutani A, Maeda E, Kasuga M
The Pro12 --Ala substitution in PPAR-gamma is associated with resistance to development of diabetes in the general population: possible involvement in impairment of insulin secretion in individuals with type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes 50: 891-894, 2001
Yoshiuchi I, Yamagata K, Yoshimoto M, Zhu Q, Yang Q, Nammo T, Uenaka R, Kinoshita E, Hanafusa T, Miyagawa J, Matsuzawa Y
A non-functional HNF-1α mutation in Japanese subjects with familial type 1 diabetes.
Human Mutation 18: 345-351, 2001
Yamada S, Zhu Q, Aihara Y, Onda H, Zhang Z, Yu L, Jin L, Si Y, Nishigori H, Tomura H, Inoue I, Morikawa A, Yamagata K, Hanafusa T, Matsuzawa Y, Takeda J
Cloning of cDNA and the gene encoding human hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-3β and mutation screening in Japanese subjects with MODY.
Diabetologia 43: 121-124, 2000
Yang Q, Yamagata K, Yamamoto K, Cao Y, Miyagawa J, Fukamizu A, Hanafusa T, Matsuzawa Y
R127-HNF-4α is a loss of function mutation but not a rare polymorphism and causes Type II diabetes in a Japanese family with MODY1.
Diabetologia 43: 520-524, 2000.
Zhu Q, Yamagata K, Yu L, Tomura H, Yamada S, Yang Q, Yoshiuchi I, Sumi S, Miyagawa J, Takeda J, Hanafusa T, Matsuzawa Y
Identification of missense mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-3β gene in Japanese subjects with late-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Diabetologia 43: 1197-1200, 2000
Takahashi M, Arita Y, Yamagata K, Matsukawa Y, Okutomi K, Horie M, Shimomura I, Hotta K, Kuriyama H, Kihara S, Nakamura T, Yamashita S, Funahashi T, Matsuzawa Y
Genomic structure and mutations in adipose-specific gene, adiponectin.
International Journal of Obesity 24: 861-868, 2000.
Yamamoto K, Miyagawa J, Waguri M, Sasada R, Igarashi K, Li M, Nammo T, Moriwaki M, Imagawa A, Yamagata K, Nakajima H, Namba M, Tochino Y, Hanafusa T, Matsuzawa Y
Recombinant human betacellulin promotes the neogenesis of β-cells and ameliorates glucose intolerance in mice with diabetes induced by selective alloxan perfusion.
Diabetes 49: 2021-2027, 2000
血管医学1(2): 73-84, 2000
Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY)
転写因子による 細胞機能の調節とその異常
医学のあゆみ 192(5): 326-329, 2000
月刊薬事42(4): 1129-1133, 2000
現代医療32(2):423-430, 2000
Yoshiuchi I, Yamagata K, Yang Q, Iwahashi H, Okita K, Yamamoto K, Oue T, Imagawa A, Hamaguchi T, Yamasaki T, Horikawa Y, Satoh T, Nakajima H, Miyazaki J, Higashiyama S, Miyagawa J, Namba M, Hanafusa T, Matsuzawa Y
Three new mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α gene in Japanese subjects with diabetes mellitus: Clinical features and functional characterization.
Diabetologia 42: 621-626, 1999
Imagawa A, Hanafusa T, Itoh N, Waguri M, Yamamoto K, Miyagawa J, Moriwaki M, Yamagata K, Iwahashi H, Sada M, Tsuji T, Tamura S, Kawata S, Kuwajima M, Nakajima H, Namba M, Matsuzawa Y
In situ immunological abnormalities in islets paralleled further deterioration of glycemic control in recent-onset type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus patients.
Diabetologia 42: 574-578, 1999
Iwahashi H, Hanafusa T, Imagawa A, Tomita K, Moriwaki M, Yamamoto K, Waguri M, Yamagata K, Itoh N, Yoshiuchi I, Nanmo T, Nakajima H, Miyagawa J, Namba M, Matsuzawa Y
Emerging therapeutic strategies in autoimmune diabetes: aetiology, prediction, prevention and cure.
Emerging Therapeutic Targets 3: 177-193, 1999
Tomura H, Nishigori H, Sho K, Yamagata K, Inoue I, Takeda J
Loss-of-function and dominant-negative mechanisms associated with hepatocyte nuclear factor-1β mutations in familial type 2 diabetes mellitus.
J. Biol. Chem. 274: 12975-12978, 1999
Moriwaki M, Itoh N, Miyagawa J, Yamamoto K, Imagawa A, Yamagata K, Iwahashi H, Nakajima H, Namba M, Kuwajima M, Nagata S, Hanafusa T, Matsuzawa Y
Fas and Fas ligand expression in inflamed islets in pancreas sections of patients with recent-onset Type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Diabetologia 42: 1332-1340, 1999
Okita K, Yang Q, Yamagata K, Hangenfeldt KA, Miyagawa J, Kajimoto Y, Nakajima H, Namba M, Wollheim CB, Hanafusa T, Matsuzawa Y
Human insulin gene is a target of hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α (HNF-1α) and HNF-1α.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 263: 566-569, 1999
Yang Q, Yamagata K, Yamamoto K, Miyagawa J, Takeda J, Iwasaki N, Iwahashi H, Yoshiuchi I, Namba M, Miyazaki J, Hanafusa T, Matsuzawa Y
Structure/function studies of hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α, a diabetes-associated transcription factor.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 266: 196-202, 1999
Molecular Diabetology 1999 vol10, p93-96, 分子糖尿病研究会編、医歯薬出版1999
小児内科31(9):1282-1284, 1999
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糖尿病 慢性合併症ー神経障害ー
総合内科診断学 p517-519 垂井清一郎総編集、松澤佑次・河田純男編集 朝倉書店 1999
糖尿病学の進歩' 99 第33集p130-136 日本糖尿病学会編 診断と治療社 1999
HNF-4 の内因性リガンド
内分泌・糖尿病科 9(2): 152-154, 1999
細胞工学 18(2): 254-258, 1999
Iwahashi H, Itoh N, Yamagata K, Imagawa A, Nakajima H, Tomita K, Moriwaki K, Waguri M, Yamamoto K, Miyagawa J, Namba M, Hanafusa T, Matsuzawa Y
Molecular mechanisms of pancreatic beta-cell destruction in autoimmune diabetes: Potential targets for preventive therapy.
Cytokines, Cellular & Molecular Therapy 4: 45-51, 1998
Yamagata K, Yang Q, Yamamoto K, Iwahashi H, Miyagawa J, Okita K, Yoshiuchi I, Miyazaki J, Noguchi T, Nakajima H, Namba M, Hanafusa T, Matsuzawa Y
Mutation P291fsinsC in the transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α is dominant negative.
Diabetes 47: 1231-1235, 1998
Miyagawa J, Yamamoto K, Li M, Sasada R, Igarashi K, Nanmo T, Kitajima K, Moriwaki M, Yamagata K, Nakajima H, Namba M, Hanafusa T, Matsuzawa Y
Duct cell proliferation in the process of islet cell neogenesis induced by betacellulin -Study on the diabetic mice induced by selective alloxan perfusion-.
Endocrinologia 45: 274-275, 1998
Molecular Medicine vol 35臨時増刊号 症候・病態の分子メカニズム p439-441松澤佑次総編集 中山書店 1998
成人病にかかわる遺伝子異常 糖尿病とHNF (Hepatocyte nuclear factor)
診断と治療 86(12): 2093-2098, 1998
山縣和也: 基礎講座I Molecular Genetics
Diabetes Frontier 9(6): 765-769, 1998
Hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)の生物学的意義
内分泌・糖尿病科 7(4): 347-351, 1998
Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) 関連遺伝子
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MODY1, 3
糖尿病学の進歩'98 第32集 p182-188 日本糖尿病学会編 診断と治療社 1998年
分子糖尿病学の進歩-基礎から臨床まで-1998 p78-83 (監修:矢崎義雄) 金原出版 1998年
BIO Clinica 13(4): 300-305, 1998
Betacellulin ノックアウトマウスにおける耐糖能の変化および膵内分泌細胞の形態学的分析
Diabetes Frontier 9 (3): 362, 1998
山縣和也、楊 勤、吉内一正、花房俊昭、松澤佑次
MEDICO 29(6): 12812-12816, 1998
Medical Practice 15(1): 106-107, 1998
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Mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 gene in MODY and early-onset NIDDM: Evidence for a mutational hotspot in exon 4.
Diabetes 46: 528-535, 1997.
Vaxillaire M, Rouard M, Yamagata K, Oda N, Kaisaki PJ, Boriraj VV, Chevre J-C, Boccio V, Cox RD, Lathrop GM, Dussoix P, Philippe J, Timsit J, Charpentier G,Velho G, Bell GI, Froguel P
Identification of nine novel mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear factor1 alpha gene associated with maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY3).
Hum Mol Gen 6: 583-586, 1997.
Urhammer SA, Rasmussen SK, Kaisaki PJ, Oda N, Yamagata K, Moller AM, Fridberg M, Hansen L, Hansen T, Bell GI, Pedersen O
Genetic variation in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α gene in Danish Caucasians with late-onset NIDDM.
Diabetologia 40: 473-475, 1997.
Frayling T, Bulman M, Ellard S, Appleton M, Dronsfield MJ, Mackie ADR, Baird JD, Kaisaki PJ, Yamagata K, Bell GI, Bain SC, Hattersley AT
Mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α gene are a common cause of maturity-onset diabetes of the young in the United Kingdom.
Diabetes 46: 720-725, 1997.
Iwasaki N, Oda N, Ogata M, Hara M, Hinokio Y, Oda Y, Yamagata K, Kanematsu S, Ohgawara H, Omori Y, Bell GI
Mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α /MODY3 gene in Japanese subjects with early- and late-onset NIDDM.
Diabetes 46: 1504-1508, 1997.
Furuta H, Iwasaki N, Oda N, Hinokio Y, Horikawa Y, Yamagata K, Yano N, Sugahiro J, Ogata M, Ohgawara H, Omori Y, Iwamoto Y, Bell GI
Organization and partial sequence of the hepatocyte nuclear factor-4α/MODY1 gene and identification of a missense mutation, R127W, in a Japanese family with MODY.
Diabetes 46: 1652-1657, 1997.
Horikawa Y, Iwasaki N, Hara M, Furuta H, Hinokio Y, Cockburn BN, Lindner T, Yamagata K, Ogata M, Tomonaga O, Kuroki H, Kasahara T, Iwamoto Y, Bell GI
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