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 膵β細胞はミトコンドリアが豊富な組織であり、インスリン分泌時には多くのATPが必要となるため大量の酸素を消費します。このため他の細胞と比べて膵β細胞はわずかな酸素供給の低下でも容易に細胞内が低酸素に陥ることが分かりました (JBC 2011) 。さらに肥満・糖尿病を呈するマウスではインスリン需要が増加しており、酸素の需給バランスの破綻により低酸素に陥ると考えられましたが、どのような分子メカニズムで低酸素に陥るのかについては未だ明らかではありません(研究課題①)。

 また低酸素は膵β細胞機能(インスリン分泌やβ細胞増殖)を低下させ、種々の遺伝子発現低下を見出していますが (PLoSONE 2014, JBC 2017) 、この過程にどのような因子が関与しているかも未だ不明です(研究課題②)


Pancreatic β-cell dysfunction by hypoxic stress
What causes β-cell hypoxia ?
How low oxygen compromises β-cell function  ? 

 Cellular oxygen levels are determined by oxygen supply and oxygen consumption. Pancreatic β-cells, a mitochondria rich tissue consume a lot of oxygen to produce ATP for insulin secretion, which renders them severely hypoxic even when surrounding oxygen level slightly becomes lower (JBC 2011). Besides hypoxia response gene expression (glycolytic genes etc.) was upregulated in a HIF-1α dependent manner and functional β-cell gene expression (such as Mafa and Slc2a2) was downregulated in a HIF-1α independent manner under hypoxic conditions (PLoSONE 2014,  JBC 2017).
 Acute or chronic hypoxia lowers insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells while insulin secretion defect becomes a trigger of hyperglycemia, leading to further increase of insulin demand. This vicious cycle of increased oxygen consumption due to high insulin demand can eventually compromise β-cell function and systemic glucose homeostasis. We hypothesize that "β-cell hypoxia" could be a trigger of onset or progression of diabetes, and try to uncover this β-cell deterioration mechanism by hypoxia.

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